Nature Unleashed Earthquake Movie Review

Another "Naturesploitation" movie out of Nu Image Films, Nature Unleashed: Earthquake.. or.. Earthquake: Nature Unleashed, is a generic movie with funny movies a bit more (blog post) shakey cam than usual. Of course, earthquakes are unpredictable and not an easily solved problem.. so.. they focused on an entirely different (blog post) issue instead

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Top 10 Leprechaun Kills

When you've got a long running horror comedy franchise, you tend to rack up a nice, big body count. Leprechaun is no exception, despite a modest first showing the little guy has piled up over half a hundred cold ones in a mere 8 movies.As such, there's no time like the present to rank the best 10 of the bunch! A top 10 video! For (Click Here) the y

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